Face, tooth, or dry-suit squeeze 顏面 牙齒 乾式防寒衣擠壓傷

(Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine)
Face, tooth, or dry-suit squeeze  顏面 牙齒 乾式防寒衣擠壓傷
面鏡擠壓症: 臉部瘀血, 結膜充血, 結膜出血, 視力改變, 罕見情況還可能造成眼睛後方出血. 眼後方出血可能變成眼科急症
牙齒擠壓症: 因蛀牙或填充物,膿瘍引起. 會造成牙痛
乾式防寒衣擠壓症: 會造成表皮條紋狀瘀血,疼痛. 
Other air-containing structures can be compressed during descent, producing “squeeze” symptoms. A face squeeze occurs when air is not added to the facemask during descent, causing the face and eyes to be forced into the collapsing mask. This can produce facial bruising, conjunctival injection or hemorrhage, changes in vision, and, rarely, retrobulbar hemorrhage. The latter could be a true ophthalmologic emergency. A tooth squeeze occurs when air spaces inside a tooth—due to decay, a filling, or an abscess—become compressed during descent. A dry-suit squeeze occurs when suit folds are compressed into the underlying skin, producing local trauma manifested by painful red streaks.




